Forge Distributors

Quality In-demand Automotive Performance Products

Forge Motorsport is renowned for our wide range of superior quality products, innovation, world-class service and industry-leading lifetime warranty*. You can read independent customer reviews on the exceptional experience they receive on

We provide exactly what your customers are asking for, giving you the reassurance that selling our products will contribute to your success and bottom line.

Forge Motorsport is a family run business and by joining us we aim to treat you as one of our family. All our products are competitively priced to your customers, but at the same time we offer an excellent discount structure to our reseller family, designed to support the growth of your business.

Our pricing structure is based on both your business status and purchase volume. For verified trade accounts there is no minimum initial order limit in order to receive your discount. For dealer accounts we can offer higher discounts, depending on product type and placing an initial stocking order normally for $5,000 based on your growth plans. 

This spending level will need to be maintained each year to keep position on a particular discount structure. We also appreciate that a new start up business may start small, but quickly grow once retailing our products, so we constantly review your purchases to ensure you receive the best possible discount.

Following receipt and verification of your application, you will receive an email with login information enabling you to access your account and proceed to purchase. Once logged in, prices displayed on the website will be relevant to your account and ALL purchase orders will need to be placed online. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Forge reseller family.

*for full details on our lifetime warranty see our terms and conditions


Dealer Registration Form

To register your company as a dealer please complete the form below...

Main details
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About your Business
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